The gem content of the Reliquary of the True Cross at Évora Cathedral is notable in several aspects. It is not just the fact that there is a significant number of gemstones, almost 1,400, but also their nature and quality, in some cases, quite exceptional. Also particularly interesting is the interpretation of this gemstone composition in the light of what is known of the precious stone trade and occurrences in the period of attribution of the reliquary, the last decade of the 17th century. Gemstones and their possible geographic origin are thus contextualised in this masterpiece, as are the cutting styles typical of that period.
The reliquary has 1,374 set stones, 16 less than its probable original total of 1,390, with some stones having been lost over years of use. The gemmological study enabled us to identify all the stones on this work with a reasonable degree of certainty; all the stones are natural gem materials, including diamonds, rubies, emeralds, blue sapphires, red spinels and one hessonite garnet.
Diamond is the most abundant gem on the reliquary, with a total of 845 stones, which is a remarkable count having in consideration this is before the discovery of the Brazilian deposits. The most important diamond cutting style is the rose cut, even for the larger diamonds over 2 carats, which is in line with what was used at the time of manufacture. Table cuts are present, but only in very small stones under 0.05 ct. Curiously, table cuts were popular for larger diamonds more than 100 years before this time when rose cuts were in great demand.

Rubies are present in a considerable number, 419, which is remarkable considering the rarity of this coloured gemstone and the characteristics of the majority were consistent with Burmese origin, today Myanmar. Irregular cuts were described, specially for the larger stones. Emeralds are one of the most interesting gems on the devotional implement. The 105 stones vary in size and quality and constitute a very interesting representation of the various qualities that were commercially available on that period. From the moderately included light-coloured to the eye-clean saturated top bluish green-coloured, there are representatives of almost all quality grades for this gemstone, serving as an extraordinary educational example. The internal characteristics were consistent with Colombian origin. There are only two blue sapphires, but their size and cut is noteworthy as these are the largest rose cut sapphires in Portuguese collections and their date is quite interesting for that cutting style. Two red spinels were also identified, one of which had a pavilion consistent with an ancient oriental polishing style where grooves were usually made on the surface of the polished stone. The gemstone composition of the reliquary finishes with a magnificent cameo of the Ecce Homo in hessonite, an orange variety of grossular garnet.

By interpreting the missing stones from their position on the piece, and given the consistent aesthetic and colour narrative of the artefact, the original gemstone content of the reliquary could be extrapolated as 848 diamonds, 431 rubies, 106 emeralds, 2 blue sapphires, 2 red spinels and 1 hessonite garnet.

The nature of all the gem materials identified is consistent with what would be expected on a artefact from the late 17th century which is the documented period of its manufacture. At that time, diamond mines in India, and on a much lesser scale in Kalimantan, on the island of Borneo (now Indonesia), were active and supplied the eastern and western markets with stones. Mining areas in the present-day Sri Lanka and Myanmar were well-known and referenced as ancient producers of sapphires and rubies, with Sri Lanka as a known source of orange grossular garnet, known in the trade as hessonite. Spinels of such a hue would came primarily from present day Tajikistan, from the region known at the time as Balascia or Badakhshan, although spinels from Myanmar were also known in that period. Origination almost certainly from another continent are the emeralds which, in that period, came essentially from what is now Colombia, although there are references to the modest mines in Austria and Egypt and to the occasional finds in Afghanistan and Pakistan and probably also those from Davdar in China, along the silk road. Whenever it was possible, inclusions were observed and documented, as these constitute a preliminary approach to determine the probable geographic origin of gemstones, namely for emeralds, rubies and sapphires, which were believed to be from today’s Colombia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, respectively. It would be interesting to further test all of them with advanced gemmological methods to confirm of refute their geographic origin hypotheses.
This is a historical artefact with a remarkable gem content given its period of attribution and the fact that it has documental evidence of its manufacture, it constitutes a relevant testimony of the use of gemstones in the late 17th century and their cutting styles.
Adapted from Galopim de Carvalho, R. et al. (2010) The Holy Cross of Evora´s Cathedral. Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, Évora
Unless otherwise stated, all images courtesy of Arquidiocese de Évora © 2010 Carlos Pombo Monteiro - Fundação Eugénio de Almeida